Letterpress 6-run french fold printed with a Vandercook Proof Press on Hahnemuhle paper. Text excerpts are from the Nuruddin Farah's novel Maps (New York: Pantheon Books, 1986). The metal type was handset in Bembo and paired with original linocut illustrations. Designed and printed by Amanda Johnson in 2013 at the UICB, edition of 25.

Before folding

The white and red specs in the background were added by hand to the matrix before the run with a brush, giving each print a uniquely patterned atmosphere.

The concealed interior of the French Fold contains a hand-printed version of the texture from the other side.

Front and back spread

Interior spread

Hand-carved linoleum blocks

Printing on the Vandercook!

Whew! The final prints all folded and editioned.