A poster showing safe water availability around the world using the Dymaxion Map projection.
Selected as a finalist in the Buckminster Fuller Institute's Dymax Redux contest out of a pool of over 300 entrants from 42 countries. My design was also lucky to be chosen as the favorite pick by guest critic Shoji Sadao- cartographer, architect, and close friend of Bucky. Exhibited along with the other 10 finalists at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in Manhattan from Oct 22 - Nov 27, 2013. View all the finalists' designs here: http://www.bfi.org/mapcontest.

Photo belongs to the Buckminster Fuller Institute http://www.flickr.com/photos/buckminsterfuller/sets/72157636879956773/

The Dymaxion Map was created by Buckminster Fuller in the 1940s to accurately project the earth with no visible distortion to land masses, no political boundaries, and no western bias in its orientation. The Dymaxion Map is a trademark of the Buckminster Fuller Institute (©1938, 1967 & 1992. All rights reserved).
Map freshwater availability information based on map by Philippe Rekacewicz (Le Monde diplomatique) from the following source: FAO, Nations Unies, World Resources Institute (WRI). Statistical information from water.org, WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation, Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water (2012 Update), and World Health Organization (WHO) Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, benefits, and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health (2008).